Tag Archive for: Production Guide

Conjunto Tecnológico para la Producción de Café “Coffee”

The coffee industry in Puerto Rico is one of the agricultural enterprises of greater economic and social importance. Among the country’s coffee crop is considered the most stable and its cultivation has helped to preserve water resources of mountainous region.

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Conjunto Tecnológico para la Producción de Aguacate “Avocado”

The avocado, Persea americana Mill, is the fourth most important fruit in Puerto Rico, after the mango, pineapple and oranges. From 1989 to 1993 production avocados average was about 14.1 million of fruit.

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Conjunto Tecnológico para la Producción de Ají Dulce “Sweet Pepper”

Sweet pepper had its origin in the New World, like common pepper. Residues of pepper and sweet pepper have been found in human tombs in Peru. After the discovery of America this crop spread to the Old World. The sweet pepper belongs to the family of Solanaceae, where most species are herbaceous distributed in the tropics and to a lesser extent in the temperate zones.

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Conjunto Tecnológico para la Producción de Melón “Cantaloupe” y “Honeydew”

Conjunto Tecnológico para la Producción de Melón “Cantaloupe” y “Honeydew”

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Conjunto Tecnológico para la Producción de Pepino de Ensalada “Salad Cucumber”

The salad cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) is among the vegetables of the Cucurbitaceae family of major economic importance in Puerto Rico. He was preceded in value of production within this family: pumpkin, watermelon and squash.

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