Tech Talk: Landslide Mitigation in Puerto Rico: Data and Digital Tools – December 11 2024

Learn about Landslide Mitigation in Puerto Rico: Data and Digital Tools!

When? Wednesday, December 11, 2024 : 11:00-11:45 am 

In this technical talk we will present on the efforts being undertaken by the new Puerto Rico Landslide Mitigation Office to understand how, when, and why landslides occur in Puerto Rico and about the areas susceptible to landslides. In addition, findings from a recent study on the social dimensions of landslide risk and its implications for food security will be presented.

This talk seeks to (1) benefit a large part of Puerto Rico’s population living in landslide-prone areas, (2) contribute to landslide risk reduction and planning, and (3) share how to access and visualize landslide data.

Agenda for each talk:

  1. Introduction to the Caribbean Climate Center tools.
  2. Technical demonstration of the tool to be discussed
  3. Individual exercise

Duration will be approximately 45 minutes each talk. Participants may use their cell phones, tablets, or computers to complete the workshop exercises.

Services provided:

  • Oral Translation from Spanish to English
  •  American Sign Language (Spanish and English)
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